Professional Fashion Photographer in Pune

In the profession where you are in one day and out the other day, staying abreast with the latest in fashion is of supreme importance. To stay ahead in the world of fashion design, having a well-prepared portfolio is vital. Since fashion is driven by aesthetics, it is important that your portfolio delivers the expected vibes that the connoisseurs are looking for. Do you want to stand out among the throngs and break into the fashion world?

Then, Ajinkya Jadhav is the right place that can ensure that your portfolio looks awesome and reflects your style. We ensure that your every step in the world of fashion is highly appreciated and welcomed.

Professional Fashion Photographer and Portfolio in Pune

Fashion photography, otherwise called Advertising, Lifestyle, or Editorial photography, is utilized in magazines, commercials, books, hoardings, internet showcasing, and so forth. It calls for new thoughts and inventive reasoning to keep awake-to-date with the quick changing design world.

There are a lot of style picture takers today however Ajinkya Jadhav is your best decision. We have shot the absolute most notorious faces in the design world. Our most expert and charming fashion portfolios has helped dispatch the professions of many top models, beauticians, and different fashionistas. Our works have shown up in top style distributions and have drawn much adoration from the design club. With our mark striking style, we are devoted to breathing life into the design and are resolved to exceed expectations in our work and ceaselessly prevail at rethinking magnificence, and workmanship.

Not at all like some other Fashion Photographers in Pune, have we wanted to keep our fashion photography basic yet rich, mirroring our very own mark style. Remembering an interesting subject, we ensure that we add an additional touch to make each image mysterious and a bit of craftsmanship. Joining our inventive personalities with diligent work and devotion, we truly put in a great deal of exertion to improve the magnificence of our subjects.

Capturing Styles That Impact A Season: Understanding Fashion Photography

Food, clothing and shelter are some of the most essential elements of human life, a known fact. The three have evolved in a manner that they are no longer only the basis of our life but also our culture and most importantly, our consumption patterns.

Since the dawn of the age of Smartphones, we have moved towards judging our basic needs through the way a brand selling them, is showcasing them. In short, a picture of food, clothes and home has indeed become worth 1000 words. Out of these three basic commodities, clothing which falls under a $ 2.5 trillion industry of fashion, is a fast-moving, ever-evolving industry that has no bounds whatsoever.

From individuals of all ages to now even animals, fashion is that one industry that inspires millions across the globe in various ways. Of all the people that get inspired by this multi-billion dollar industry, photographers are indeed one of the key people who get inspired as well as being able to inspire.

India too, since the past few decades is being recognised as one of the major fashion hubs of the world. While the major recognition is still for traditional clothing, there are designers across the country who are experimenting with the latest global trends in prints, fabrics and much more. And maybe one of the reasons why you are reading this article is because you too are part of a fashion house and wish to inspire millions out there with your style and designs but haven’t been able to. No matter how much you have tried, your fashion photography just doesn’t get “that” feeling out to your audience.

So here we are today, decoding the secrets of good fashion photography that will help your clothing brand stand out.

1. Tell Your Idea Behind The Latest Collection

Whenever you design a collection, there is a thought that you have that has inspired you. Talk to your audience about that source of inspiration before you show them the collection itself. For eg, if you are doing a collection based on the heritage of India, talk about the heritage first. Use pictures of Kings, Queens, Palaces and even try to use these elements in your fashion photoshoot as well.

2. Contrasting Surroundings Do Wonder

Along with conducting indoor photoshoots if you can schedule an outdoor photoshoot on farms, old buildings, etc, such surroundings will definitely help in making the colours of the garment pop regardless of the shade of the fabrics. Moreover, if you can shoot videos around such locations then that would surely help to show the real-time look of your garment.

3. Sunlight or Sunsets only

Focusing on the technical bit of photography, you must make sure that you are shooting with soft sunlight for the best effect. The best time to get that is either early mornings or after 4:30 pm in India. Soft light and most importantly, natural lights, give a really beautiful tone to the pictures and make the whole attire look surreal.

4. Accessorize The Right Way

More often, during fashion shoots, it happens so that the accessories used are so heavy that the focus moves from the clothing that needs the attention. To avoid that, ensure that you are using minimal designs of accessories. Another aspect is that accessorising is not necessarily about pieces on a model. You can turn daily objects such as books, plants, flowers and many such things into accessories for your fashion shoot.


Along with using the most conventional methods of fashion photography, try things that will go off-beat with the photographs. It could be the most random thing or could also be the most obvious one that no one had ever seen before. And while you carry on this experimentation in fashion photography, you might just come out with masterpiece images that capture the essence of your brand.

Along with keeping the above-mentioned factors of fashion photography, there are various elements that will help in enhancing the brand’s value. When it comes to fashion photography, it is also essential that you or your photographer are very well connected with make-up artists, stylists, models, etc. At Ajinkya Jadhav Photography, we have been able to build a community of people who are not just trustworthy with their work but are great to work with. Along with that, we also use the latest tech when it comes to photography and capture the essence of the moment in the most diligent manner